My Story
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
My name is Salim Khan, I am a self-taught Arabic Calligraphy Student from Mumbai, India. I have been writing Thuluth Script for the last 3 years.
I am passionate, driven, crazy and I push myself forward to learn this spiritual art with every passing day. I drive my passion with a simple desire, “I need to write today, better than I wrote yesterday”.
When I began my journey in Arabic Calligraphy, the biggest challenge I faced was finding anyone knowledgeable to teach, however, I failed. In India, especially, there is a scarcity of Ustadh, who could teach this to us passionates.
My Journey
When, you start an art, you are faced with two options,
- To quit, which is easy, citing lack of resources, or tons of other reasons.
- Is to give everything you have, to struggle, to excruciate, and to learn. To take this journey, to make your own path.
I chose the latter, and kept moving forward, keeping in my mind the one Ayah of Qur’an, “Indeed we have opened a clear Opening”(I leave it upto you to look it up in the Qur’an), every time I faced a hurdle or ran into a wall.
I have not once looked back ever since.
The sole reason behind my starting this course is to make Arabic Calligraphy Available and Affordable to everyone who wants to learn and has no direct access to this beautiful art.
As most of us know resources to learn this spiritual art are limited, and restricted to a few geographical regions. The few courses that are available, so to speak are not really “Calligraphy” Courses, but Digital art at the heart of it.
Allow me to explain, you see, Calligraphy comes from two root words, namely “Callos” which means “To make something beautiful” and “Graphien” which means “To Write”. So essentially, it means, “To Write Beautifully”, the most important word being “Write”.
But the courses which teach you this art, are more inclined towards making it “Digitised” through software, which is far from being called “Calligraphy”.
There was a need to go back to basics, revive Arabic Calligraphy, especially in the non arabic speaking countries, Write with Qalams, learn by the rules, by the book!
So, I invite you to join me in this profound quest to learn this beautiful, soothing art and spread it amongst who could never have learnt it, if not for the help from Allah through you.
With the permission of Allah…Let us begin…
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم …